R (version 2.10.0) code

Instructions for installing R package dna_0.2-1.tar.gz in Linux:

This package can be installed from the linux command line creating a folder "~/myrlibrary" and by typing:

R CMD INSTALL -l '~/mylibrary' dna_0.2-0.tar.gz

and then starting R and typing


Instructions for installing R package dna_0.2-1.zip in Windows:

This package can be installed in R by going to

Packages>Install package(s) for local zip file

and finding the zip file.

The package can then be loaded by going to

Packages>Load Package

and choosing dna

List of functions:

PLSnet - Computes the connectivity scores for a network based on partial least squares (PLS).

tdms - Tests for differential modular structures between two networks using PLS scores.

tdcind - Tests for differential connectivity of individual genes between two networks using PLs scores.

tdcclass - Tests for differential connectivity of a class of genes between two networks using PLS scores.

More detailed information about these functions are available through the R help files. For example, to view the help file for PLSnet, type help(PLSnet).


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