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CFS Data

The test statistic for differential modular structures in two networks is sensitive to the choice of &epsilon, so we tried the range of values listed below. The following table shows the results for various choices of &epsilon and also presents the value of the test statistic N, its corresponding p-value, the number of modules discovered in each network, and the total number of genes discovered in some module for each network.



p-value # of modules in ever-CFS network # of modules in non-fatigues network
.35 .174 .211 1 1
.40 .286 .421 1 1
.45 .586 .385 1 1
.50 .978 .153 7 1
.55 .997 .098 5 1

As seen in the table, the value of the test statistic and the structure of the networks are sensitive to the selection of &epsilon . However, the result of the significance test is not affected by our choice of &epsilon for this analysis. Thus, regardless of how we define a module, observed data does not support the statement that the two networks have significantly different modular structures.